Jan 14, 20143 min read
TBGTB: Preconceptions
Julian and I have returned home from China, and because of our adventures - I feel we've come back with perspectives broadened and can see h
Nov 13, 20133 min read
TBGTB: Super soldiers?
Last time I went to volleyball training, I was one of the tallest. I went on the weekend for the second time and I was the shortest of...
Oct 21, 20133 min read
TBGTB: Out and about
The third instalment of "The Beginners Guide to Beijing" is ready to read with all our latest observations and experiences.
Oct 13, 20133 min read
TBGTB: Bartering
People love China for so many things….the mystery, the culture shock, the food and the bartering.
Oct 4, 20134 min read
The beginner's guide to Beijing
So many people told us to be careful in China, but we actually had the time of our lives. Here's the beginning of our journey of studying ma
Aug 13, 20133 min read
China: the final frontier
Looking at my identity, and preparing to journey to China to study Mandarin for three months.